The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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  • Regiment = South African Infantry
  • Unit = 2nd Regt.
  • Country = France
  • Locality = Somme

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
ADCOCK HENRY WALTER H W South African Infantry 2nd Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-24
ALLEN THOMAS HODGSON T H South African Infantry 2nd Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-21
ALLKINS JOHN AMBROSE HARLEY J A H South African Infantry 2nd Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-21
BAILEY NORMAN JOHN N J South African Infantry 2nd Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-21
BANCROFT THOMAS T South African Infantry 2nd Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-21
BARRON ROBERT R South African Infantry 2nd Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-24
BEVISS MELLER M South African Infantry 2nd Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-24
BRUCE ALEXANDER A South African Infantry 2nd Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-24
BUCHANAN GUYON G South African Infantry 2nd Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-24
BULLOCK ARTHUR NORMAN ROSS A N R South African Infantry 2nd Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-27
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