The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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  • Country = France
  • Locality = Somme
  • Specific Date = 1918-03-24

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
McCARTHY JAMES PATRICK J P South African Infantry 1st Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-24
McCORMACK THOMAS FREDERICK T F South African Infantry 4th Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-24
McCORMICK ROBERT R South African Infantry 1st Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-24
McCULLOCH RONALD DAVID R D South African Infantry 2nd Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-24
McFADYEN LACHIE L South African Infantry 4th Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-24
McFARLAND JAMES J South African Infantry 1st Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-24
McGREGOR JAMES J South African Infantry 4th Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-24
McKENZIE ALLEN A South African Infantry 4th Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-24
McKIE JOHN J South African Infantry 2nd Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-24
McLAREN JOHN WEBSTER J W South African Infantry 1st Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-24