The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
MAASDORP CHARLES ROLAND C R Royal Flying Corps 43rd Sqdn. ARRAS FLYING SERVICES MEMORIAL France Pas de Calais 1918-03-28
McGEE WILFRED RAWORTH W R Royal Air Force 103rd Sqdn. ARRAS FLYING SERVICES MEMORIAL France Pas de Calais 1918-06-11
MULROY HERBERT JAMES H J Royal Air Force 56th Sqdn. ARRAS FLYING SERVICES MEMORIAL France Pas de Calais 1918-06-18
MURRAY GORDON LAUTRE G L Royal Air Force 80th Sqdn. ARRAS FLYING SERVICES MEMORIAL France Pas de Calais 1918-04-12
MYERS PHILIP BRYCE P B Royal Air Force 40th Sqdn. ARRAS FLYING SERVICES MEMORIAL France Pas de Calais 1918-09-27
NICHOLSON OWEN HARROW O H Royal Air Force 3rd Sqdn. ARRAS FLYING SERVICES MEMORIAL France Pas de Calais 1918-06-18
O'SHEA HARRY ARTHUR H A Royal Air Force 97th Sqdn. ARRAS FLYING SERVICES MEMORIAL France Pas de Calais 1918-08-14
PARSONS FORREST GALE F G Royal Flying Corps 7th Sqdn. ARRAS FLYING SERVICES MEMORIAL France Pas de Calais 1916-10-26
PATON DAVID MOIR D M Royal Flying Corps 66th Sqdn. ARRAS FLYING SERVICES MEMORIAL France Pas de Calais 1917-09-24
PENDER WILLIAM GORDON W G Royal Flying Corps 40th Sqdn. ARRAS FLYING SERVICES MEMORIAL France Pas de Calais 1917-08-15