The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
HOFFMESTER WILLIAM W Indian and Malay Corps, S.A. Forces ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt 1941-12-09
HOLDCROFT GEORGE ERNEST G E South African Engineer Corps ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt 1942-11-28
HOLLEY DOUGLAS JAMES D J South African Corps of Military Police ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt 1942-05-10
HORN REGINALD LEONARD R L South African Engineer Corps ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt 1942-05-10
HORNE KELVIN DENNIS K D Cape Town Highlanders, S.A. Forces ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt 1942-06-14
HORNE WILLIAM LEONARD GEORGE W L G Cape Town Highlanders, S.A. Forces ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt 1942-06-07
HUBER RICHARD ARTHUR R A Cape Corps, S.A. Forces ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt 1941-12-09
IMMELMAN GYSBERTUS CHRISTIAAN G C Cape Town Highlanders, S.A. Forces ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt 1942-06-07
INGLES FREDERICK CHARLES F C Umvoti Mounted Rifles, S.A. Forces ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt 1944-12-14
ISAACS JAN J Cape Corps, S.A. Forces ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt 1941-12-09