The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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  • Regiment = Rhodesia Regiment
  • Unit = 4th Battalion
  • Country = Zimbabwe

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
MAJONI ALECK A Rhodesia Regiment 4th Battalion UNKNOWN CEMETERY Zimbabwe 1978-04-17
MARAVANYIKA ENOCH E Rhodesia Regiment 4th Battalion UNKNOWN CEMETERY Zimbabwe 1979-03-07
NCUBE REASON R Rhodesia Regiment 4th Battalion UNKNOWN CEMETERY Zimbabwe 1978-11-12
NGANDU HUGHES H Rhodesia Regiment 4th Battalion UNKNOWN CEMETERY Zimbabwe 1979-04-14
OLIVEY C H Rhodesia Regiment 4th Battalion UNKNOWN CEMETERY Zimbabwe 1978-05-15
SIZIBA CHARLES C Rhodesia Regiment 4th Battalion UNKNOWN CEMETERY Zimbabwe 1979-03-01
TAKARUVINGA RABSON R Rhodesia Regiment 4th Battalion UNKNOWN CEMETERY Zimbabwe 1978-11-12
TARWIREYI JOHN J Rhodesia Regiment 4th Battalion UNKNOWN CEMETERY Zimbabwe 1978-04-20
TICHAZVIGADZIRA ROBERT R Rhodesia Regiment 4th Battalion UNKNOWN CEMETERY Zimbabwe 1978-06-04
WOLLNER MANFRED JOSEF M J Rhodesia Regiment 4th Battalion UNKNOWN CEMETERY Zimbabwe 1979-04-13
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