The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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  • Unit = 4th Regt.
  • Unit 2 = "D" Coy.
  • Locality = Somme

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
GRAY ROBERT CAMPBELL R C South African Infantry 4th Regt. OVILLERS MILITARY CEMETERY France Somme 1916-07-17
JACOBSEN FREDERICK WALL F W South African Infantry 4th Regt. LA NEUVILLE BRITISH CEMETERY, CORBIE France Somme 1916-07-23
KING DOUGLAS IVAN D I South African Infantry 4th Regt. THIEPVAL MEMORIAL France Somme 1916-07-10
LAMBIE WILLIAM VERNON W V South African Infantry 4th Regt. SERRE ROAD CEMETERY No.2 France Somme 1916-07-15
LANGSTON THOMAS HUXLEY T H South African Infantry 4th Regt. THIEPVAL MEMORIAL France Somme 1916-07-19
LEDDRA GEORGE HOSKING G H South African Infantry 4th Regt. THIEPVAL MEMORIAL France Somme 1916-07-18
LOMBARD DIRK JACOBUS D J South African Infantry 4th Regt. THIEPVAL MEMORIAL France Somme 1916-07-16
MACMILLAN JOHN ANDERSON J A South African Infantry 4th Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-24
MAYS JOHN WILLIAM J W South African Infantry 4th Regt. THIEPVAL MEMORIAL France Somme 1916-07-15
McCABE ARTHUR BASIL A B South African Infantry 4th Regt. CORBIE COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION France Somme 1916-07-15