The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
HATHORN DAVID ALISTER ROY D A R Royal Natal Carbineers, S.A. Forces 1st EL ALAMEIN WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1942-07-27
HOFFENBERG JOSEPH SELIG J S Natal Mounted Rifles, S.A. Forces 1st EL ALAMEIN WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1942-07-15
IRVING WILLIAM LEWIS W L Natal Mounted Rifles, S.A. Forces 1st EL ALAMEIN WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1942-10-16
JACKSON STEPHEN MORRIS S M Rand Light Infantry, S.A. Forces 1st EL ALAMEIN WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1942-08-24
JACOBS O T Rand Light Infantry, S.A. Forces 1st EL ALAMEIN WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1942-10-23
JOFFE JACK MILLIAN J M Rand Light Infantry, S.A. Forces 1st EL ALAMEIN WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1942-07-28
KACEV JOSE J Rand Light Infantry, S.A. Forces 1st EL ALAMEIN WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1942-10-23
KNOTT GEORGE CUMMINGS G C Natal Mounted Rifles, S.A. Forces 1st EL ALAMEIN WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1942-07-12
KRUGER JOHANNES LODEWIKUS J L Natal Mounted Rifles, S.A. Forces 1st EL ALAMEIN WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1941-12-19
LANDREY MAURICE RALPH PATON M R P Royal Natal Carbineers, S.A. Forces 1st EL ALAMEIN WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1942-07-27